Trident Homes Tactix coach Marianne Delaney-Hoshek has called time on her role within the franchise, confirming she will step down as head coach at the conclusion of the season.

Having guided the Tactix through their most successful regular season ever, Delaney-Hoshek said she felt she was ready to retire her ANZ Premiership career which had spanned over 13 seasons, including roles as assistant coach at the Pulse and Tactix before taking on the head coach position in 2017 with the side from the Mainland.

“I feel like I have pretty much given everything to the role,” she said.  “Now it’s time for me to step back and freshen up”.

“I’ve still got goals with my coaching but first and foremost I am really excited about spending more time with my family.”

The Tactix have been the form team of the league this year, enjoying some of their best results ever including last week’s biggest ever win in their 17-year history and a record-breaking 10th win in the regular season.

But Delaney-Hoshek is aware there is still a job to be done with four rounds remaining ahead of the Finals Series, although eyeing up the prospect of an elusive home Grand Final.

“There were a few reasons for announcing this now including the chance to address it and move on, but also for the club to be able to start the recruitment process as soon as possible,” she said.

“We don’t want this to be a distraction, and all understand we have some hard work ahead of us.”

Delaney-Hoshek can look back on a time at the Tactix where there has been immense growth both on and off the court. In the seven years she has been head coach, the team has made three Finals Series, including reaching Grand Finals in 2020 and 2021, and are on track to have a spot in the play-offs again this year.  Prior to this the Tactix had only won one or two games a season for a number of years.

“I feel I’m leaving the club in a good space. I look at how far we’ve come, and it’s been massive. We’ve navigated Covid and being liquidated, but I feel we’ve gone from strength to strength. It is so cool to see us filling up the stadium and for people to be proudly wearing the Tactix colours and merchandise,” she said.

“In terms of performance, we’ve got an amazing  high-performance culture here and  a desire to be better.  I think seeing the development of the players and staff involved is something  we can all be proud of.”

With her focus solely on the remainder of the Tactix’ league campaign, the head coach admitted she had taken some time to plan “a few things” for when the season comes to an end.

“I’ve already booked some holidays and it’s time to put my family first.  My children are starting to navigate being teenagers and I’m sure my husband will enjoy getting some help with four games of sport on a Saturday.

“I’ve missed friends and birthdays and celebrations, and it will be great to be able to finally enjoy a Mother’s Day,” she said with a laugh.

Tactix General Manager Kate Agnew acknowledged what Delaney-Hoshek had brought to the role.

“She has put her heart and soul into this team and club, often under challenging and unforgiving circumstances,” she said.  “Marianne has particular skill in creating and developing an amazing high-performance culture and environment that is fundamental to the success on and off the court which we have seen in recent seasons.”

Agnew said the Tactix would begin the recruitment process for a head coach immediately.

Delaney-Hoshek’s contribution to the Tactix will be acknowledged formally at the end of the season.

The Trident Homes Tactix are currently sitting at the top of the Premiership ladder and take on the Mystics at Wolfbrook Arena in Christchurch on Sunday.

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